Project Objective: To install a solar power generating system so that the Masjid can save on the high electricity bills, and not be affected by loadshedding.

Project Deliverables: Phase 1: Solar power generating system to cover 60% of the Masjid's consumption. Phase 2: Additional battery capacity and solar panels to increase back-up power for the Edu Building. Phase 3: completion of the solar power system to take the Masjid off the Eskom grid completely. 
Project Lead: H. Kashif Lindoor
Start date: 1 June 2022
Intended completion date :- Phase 1: 30 September 2022, Phase 2: 30 September 2023, Phase 3: 30 September 2024.
Funds required for Phase 1: R 205 000.00 (raised, Alhamdulillah)

Funds required for Phase 2: R 100 000.00 (raised, Alhamdulillah)

Funds required for Phase 3: R 140 000.00 (required)

Kindly make a donation here: DONATE NOW